Business, politics and institutions
Digital business models, sustainability, transparency and diversity. Companies and institutions are facing complex changes. The handling of information, innovation, knowledge and staff are subject to increasing pressure for change. Since 2007 I am creating sustainable solutions for clients from industry, institutions and politics.
► As a scientific advisor to media companies, ministries, politics, science, foundations and associations – on the topics of digitalisation, technology, democracy, diversity and education
► As a scientific advisor on the topic of the Middle East – for balanced media reporting and quality journalism as well as for the safe and sensitive curation of events
► As experienced moderator and facilitator at conferences (analogue, virtual, hybrid), conventions and workshops for industry and institutions – catalyzing communication in multi-stakeholder dialogues along the triple helix, mediating between politics, science, industry & civil society
► As expert evaluator for the European Commission / Horizon Europe, framework program for research & innovation –
analyzing and selecting future-oriented proposals for digital and social innovation
► As a member of the Board of Trustees of the "Grimme Research College - Media and Society in the Digital Age" – for forward-looking advice on new media developments and research projects
► As long-term juror and jury chairwoman of "German Radio Award" and "Grimme Online Award" –
awarding high quality digital content and new business models in journalism
Upcoming projects (excerpt)
since 2011Zaboura ConsultingPolicy Advisery and Media and Communications Consultancy
Spring 2025BookCo-author of a book on the crisis of journalism and mediaPublication on the core problems and challenges of German media as well as on concrete solutions for quality journalism, to be published with two other researchers
OngoingMedia critique and journalismMedia expert for the scientifically sound analysis of the latest journalistic challenges and developments, in interviews (Deutschlandfunk, WDR, BR, NDR) as well as on stages (WDR Europaforum, Netzwerk Recherche, University of Cologne) and in social media (Instagram and Bluesky) - honoured with a Grimme nomination and the Donnepp Media Award 2024 - German Award for Media Journalismhttps://www.dwdl.de/nachrichten/96430/zaboura_und_minkmar_erhalten_den_bertdonnepppreis/
OngoingScientific advisor on the topic Middle East in media and event ecosystemsAdvisor for media companies, editorial departments, politics, foundations, culture and the event industry1. Media: Workshops and science-based media critique for balanced media coverage and quality journalism
2. Events: secure and sensitive curation of events as well as consulting on communication strategies -
January - May 2025re:publica 2025Program Adviser on "politics and society"Program Adviser for one of the globally most relevant conferences about digital society and economy with 10.000 attendees
January 2025Donnepp Media Award 2025Head of juryChairwoman of the jury of Donnepp Media Award 2025 (formerly Bert-Donnepp-Preis - German Award for Media Critique)
2024-11-19Interview on German public broadcaster WDRMedia expert and communication scientist on the topic of the Middle EastInterview about challenges and solutions for German journalism in media reporting on the Middle East as of the riot coverage in Amsterdam - on WDR COSMO
2024-11-16Media conference NxM 2024Media expert and communication scientistPanel discussion on Artificial Intelligence in Journalism - Challenges, practical examples, constructive solutions and futures
October 2024Grimme Online Award 2024Nominee for the award category "information" of Grimme-prize for journalistic quality on the Internet and 3rd place at the audience awardsScience-based media criticism on German media coverage, selected as one of 27 nominees from ⁓1.000 submissions for Germany`s most important award for digital journalism
2024-10-15Symposium "October 7 and its effects"Media expert and communication scientistExpert dialogue on German media coverage of the Middle East at an interdisciplinary event, funded by the State Institute for Political Education BW
2024-09-20Interview on German public broadcaster BR2Media expert and communication scientistInterview about adequate media coverage of right-wing extremist parties and actors by German journalism
2024-09-18SWR Future DaysExpertExpert talk and panel discussion on the topic of "Migration and Media", with ARD Chair Kai Gniffke and researcher Karim Fereidooni
2022 to 2024quoted - media podcastHost of podcast "quoted", with co-host Nils MinkmarHost of podcast on media, the most recent media coverage and media discourses. New episodes of this new podcast by CIVIS media foundation and Süddeutsche Zeitung are published biweekly. Awarded with the "Bert-Donnepp-Price 2024 - German Award for Media Critique"
May to September 2024German Radio Award 2024JurorAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
2024-07-19Annual Conference Network Journalistic Research 2024Media expert and communication scientistPanel discussion on the topic of "How to report in a balanced way from Israel and Gaza?", with Hanna Resch (journalist and reporter at ARD Studio Tel Aviv) und Holger Stark (deputy editor-in-chief at ZEIT), hosted by journalist Pinar Atalay
2024-06-0630th anniversary of FSFMedia expert and communication scientistPanel discussion on the topic of "AI, Media and Future-Oriented Youth Media Protection" at the 30th anniversary of the FSF - Voluntary Self-Control Television, Germany`s oldest self-regulatory body for digital image carriers
2024-05-28WDR Europaforum 2024Media expert and communication scientistPanel discussion with program director of public broadcaster WDR Jörg Schönenborn and others on the topic of "Under pressure – how does the media assert itself against populism, extremism and nationalism?"
2024-05-27re:publica 2024Session organizerModeration of the session "On death within the Internet community: a new approach towards death"
2024-05-07Panel discussion at Cologne UniversityMedia expert and communication scientistPanel discussion at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne on German media coverage of Israel and Palestine, their peculiarities in international comparison, historical responsibility and effects in a plural society, hosted by Professor Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf
Completed projects (excerpt)
2024-04-09Expert discussionCommunication scientistExpert discussion at a renowned German foundation as part of the redevelopment of the foundation's strategy in the areas of democracy, cohesion, media and the fight against right-wing extremism
2024-03-11Interview on German public broadcaster WDR COSMOMedia expert and communication scientistInterview on relevance and need of professional media journalism and critique within pluralistic societies
2024-01-27Bert Donnepp Prize 2024LaureateAwarded with the "Bert Donnepp Prize - German Prize for Media Journalism" for her role as host of quoted - the media podcast
2024-01-241. CIVIS Media DialogueMedia expert and communication scientistPanel discussion with editor in chief of public broadcaster ZDF Bettina Schausten and others on the topic of "Multiplicity of perspectives in German public broadcasting"
2023-12-23Interview on DeutschlandfunkMedia expert and communication scientistInterview on the topics of German public debate, journalism and new public spheres, at German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk
2023-12-11DUDEN book "Diversity"AuthorBook chapter on the topic of "Diversity in media" in Germany's renowned publishing house DUDEN
2023-12-05Cologne Futures 2023Communication scientist and media criticPanel discussion on Artificial Intelligence in media and journalism
Expert Interview on WDRCommunication expert and media criticInterview with public broadcaster WDR COSMO on German media coverage regarding the Middle East
2023-11-22Interview on DeutschlandfunkCommunication scientist and media criticInterview on the topic of "Climate, wars, economic crisis: Thematic and temporal focus of media?" on German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk
2023-11-1854. RömerberggesprächeCommunication scientist and media criticModerated discussion between Max Czollek and Nadia Zaboura on the topic of "Between panic and reconciliation theater: How to (medially) deal with German far right/extremist party AfD?" at public debate format 54. Römerberggespräche "Receive the signals! On the resistable rise of right-wing extremism"
2023-11-17Interview on DeutschlandfunkCommunication scientist and media criticInterview about German public debate and journalism on the topic of the Middle East
2023-11-10Ceremony by the German Federal Ministry of Family AffairsExpert moderatorModeration for the official ceremony by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs
October 2023Expert interview with Grimme-InstitutCommunication expert and juror German Radio AwardInterview on the 50th anniversary of Grimme-Institute on the topic of the present and future of radio within democratic societies (pages 62 to 65)
2023-09-28Trainer on media journalismTraining of journalist at a Grimme seminar on media journalism
2023-09-25Expert interview in NDRCommunication expert and media criticInterview with public broadcaster NDRinfo on media and migration
2023-09-25Expert interview on Bayern 2Communication expert and media criticInterview with public broadcaster Bayern 2 on media and migration
2023-08-31Symposium "Resilience and Future of (Large) Housing EstatesModeratorExpert moderation of congress on "Resilience and Future of (Large) Housing Estate" by vhw association and Wohnraumversorgung Berlin – AöR
May to September 2023German Radio Award 2023JurorAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
AuthorAuthor of essay "100 years of radio."Essay on radio as mass media and its future.
January 2023CIVIS Media PrizeHead of selection committeeHead of selection committee of CIVIS Media Prize
2022-12-24Interview on DeutschlandfunkMedia expert and communication scientistInterview on the topics of German public debate, journalism and new public spheres, at German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk
7th-9th December 2022Skilled workers initiativeExpert moderatorExpert moderation of event "Skilled workers initiative" by IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs
2022-09-21bildung.digital closing eventExpert moderatorModeration of closing event "education.digital" by DKJS - the German Children and Youth Foundation
October 2022German Mobility Award 2022JurorJuror for the German Mobility Prize as one of the most important distinctions in the digital mobility sector in Germany, presented by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
2022-10-05Live interview about Iran on WDR CosmoMedia expert and communication scientistInsta live talk on the topic "Too late, too little, too cautious? How German media cover protests in Iran"
2022-09-21Future talks on Public Service MediaKeynote speakerKeynote on mission, challenges and potentials of German Public Service Media
May to September 2022German Radio Award 2022Chairwoman of the JuryAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
2022-09-155th Perspective DialogueExpert moderatorExpert moderation on participation and educational opportunities for children and young people with refugee experience in times of the pandemic
2022-06-08re:publica 2022Session moderatorModeration of the session "On death within the Internet community: a new approach towards death", with Jens Scholz
2022-05-18Symposium education.digitalExpert moderatorModeration of symposium "education.digital" by DKJS - the German Children and Youth Foundation
2022-03-04Conference "eQualification 2022" by BMBFExpert moderatorModeration at conference "eQualification 2022 - Connection work and learning digitally" by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
2022-01-14CIVIS Media ConferenceExpert moderatorModeration of a media conference on journalism and transforming media ecosystems and public spheres by social media and platform dynamics
November 2021 to January 2022European CommissionEU evaluator for "Information and Communication Technologies" for Horizon 2020 (EU research framework program)Appointed evaluator for a call within funding column "Information and Communication Technologies"
2021-11-29Kick-off event "skilled workers international"Expert moderationExpert moderator and facilitator of hybrid conference on skilled worker trainings in international youth work, on behalf of IJAB and the National Strategy for Youth by the German Federal Government
2021-10-07vhw association congress 2021ModeratorExpert moderation of vhw association congress on sustainable and future-proof urban development: "Digitalization & Urban Development"
2021-09-23Spotify Sound-upAdvisorExpert advisory on upcoming podcasts including formatting and diversity
2021-09-01Expert interview W&VInterview as expert on radio, media trends, diversity and digitalisationExpert interview with leading industry magazine W&V covering the future of radio, podcasts as engines of signification, non-linear competitors, diversity and the biggest challenges for decision-makers in media
May to September 2021German Radio Award 2021Chairwoman of the JuryAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
2021-06-11NEXTdays - Congress on youth-oriented consumer policyExpert moderationExpert moderator and facilitator of virtual conference on youth-oriented consumer policy, on behalf of IJAB and the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Rights
2021-06-09CIVIS Media Conference 2021PanelistPanelist for expert discussion on "quality in media and journalism"
2021-06-08Conference "Quality and diversity in local democracy"ModeratorExpert moderator and facilitator of conference "Quality and diversity in local democracy" with former German Federal President Joachim Gauck, on behalf of vhw association in joint cooperation with German Association of Cities and German Association of Towns and Municipalities
2021-05-2017. DJHT Conference - Digital Future? Chances and challenges of digitization of international youth exchangeVirtual moderatorExpert moderation on the future of international youth exchange
2021-05-06ITFS 2021Virtual moderatorExpert moderation on digital education at ITFS 2020
2021-03-30Foresight FestivalExpert moderatorBilingual moderation of foresight festival including the official award ceremony
2021-03-30Foresight Conference by BMBFExpert moderatorBilingual moderation of foresight conference, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
2020-11-04Social Community Day 2020ExpertExpert discussion on media responsibility, populism and far-right communication strategies
2020-12-03RadioNetzwerkTag 2020Keynote speakerKeynote talk on "Why radio is as important as never before" at RadioNetzwerkTag 2020, a conference by Grimme-Akademie
October 16-18, 2020NEXTdays - Congress on sustainable consumer policy and youthExpert moderationExpert moderator and facilitator of three-day digital conference on consumer policy and youth, on behalf of IJAB and the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Rights
October 06-08, 2020University:Future FestivalExpert moderation of an international, hybrid conferenceExpert bilingual moderator of digital, international conference on higher education, with e.g. EU comissioner Mariya Gabriel and German Minister for Education and Research Anja Karliczek - organized by Higher Education Forum Digitalization and consortium partners Association of German Academic Foundations, CHE Centre for Higher Education Development and German Rectors' Conference, supported by BMBF.
2020-09-29POSTPONED: Conference "Digital Education"ModeratorExpert moderator and facilitator of conference "Digital Education" by DKJS - The German Child and Youth Foundation
May to September 2020German Radio Award 2020Chairwoman of the JuryAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
2020-08-12Workshop "medial voices"Participation as scientistScientific expertise for workshop by project "medial voices" of Grimme research center
2020-05-07ITFS 2020 - Edutain MeOnline moderatorExpert moderation of panel discussion "Edutain Me 6.0 - The future of digital classrooms" at ITFS 2020
April 2020Expert interview W&VInterview as expert on media, radio and digitalisationExpert interview with leading industry magazine W&V covering the future of radio & audio, new technologies & player and the biggest challenges for decision-makers in media
January to May 2020re:publica 2020Program Adviser for one of the globally largest conferences about digital society and economy with 9.000 attendeesProgram Adviser for category "Science & Technology"
2020-03-13DELAYED: Conference on "Far right populism and the responsibility of media"Panelist / media expertPanel discussion at conference "Far right populism and the responsibility of media" by Grimme-Institut, with e.g. Georg Restle and Peter Frey
November 2019 - January 2020European CommissionEU evaluator for "Information and Communication Technologies" for Horizon 2020 (EU research framework program)Appointed evaluator for a call within funding column "Information and Communication Technologies"
2019-11-19Podcast InterviewInterview on digital communication and social networks, hate speech and democracy, diversity in journalism and science communication as well as research programs within the EU
2019-11-21vhw association congress 2019ModeratorExpert moderation of vhw association congress on sustainable and future-proof urban development: "Trust - Transparency - Control. Cultural and instrumental foundations of urban development"
April to September 2019German Radio Award 2019Chairwoman of the JuryAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
21.05.19Medientage Mitteldeutschland 2019Moderator on AI and JournalismExpert moderation on "Artificial Intelligence in Media: Texts by Robo Journalists"
May 3-6, 2019German-Greek Youth Barcamp 2019 by BMFSFJConsultant, moderator and facilitatorExpert consultancy, moderation and facilitation of an international four-day conference with participation of the Federal Minister for Family Affairs
February 1-3, 201921. Bocholter ForumModerator on democracy and integrationExpert moderation of a three-day conference by State Center of Political Education NRW
January to May 2019re:publica 2019Program Adviser for one of the globally largest conferences about digital society and economy with 9.000 attendeesProgram Adviser for category "Science & Tech"
from January 2019German Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchAppointed appraiserAppraiser analyzing and selecting outstanding, future-proof projects by networks of science, industry and civil society (total budget of € 200 million)
2018-11-29"Good all-day child care in cooperation" by German Children and Youth FoundationModeratorModeration of future event of German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS)
2018-11-06Berlin Science WeekModeratorModeration of expert panel discussion on "Digital ethics: Oppressed by algorithms?". By Fraunhofer, Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany, Science in Dialogue (WiD) and Elsevier
until October 21 plus October 21-25, 20183rd German-Greek Youth Forum 2018Adivsor, facilitator and moderator for an international conferenceBilingual faciliation and expert moderation of four-day conference including the topics work, innovation, youth exchange and participation. By the Federal Ministry for Families, the Elderly and Young People (BMFSFJ).
2018-07-05Symposium of State Center of Political Education NRWModeratorExpert moderation of symposium "Talking to each other, arguing and opposing - dealing with right-wing extremism, right-wing populism and racism in the digital age".
2018-07-0325next - Future Day of German Children and Youth Foundation at Bellevue CastleModeratorModeration of future event of German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS), e.g. featuring Elke Büdenbender (patroness and wife to the German Federal President) and five futurologists
2018-06-07transmedialeFacilitatorFacilitation of strategy workshop for transmediale, globally renowned and acclaimed tech festival and media arts platform
April - September 2018German Radio Award 2018Jury memberAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
Animated Games Award GermanyMember of the Selection CommitteeMember of the Selection Committee for the Animated Games Award Germany
2018-05-03re:publica 2018ModeratorExpert moderation of panel discussion on digital development in the cultural sector and innovation fund, e.g. featuring the senator of culture, Dr. Klaus Lederer
until 2018-05-02re:publica 2018Program Adviser for one of the globally largest conferences about digital society and economy with 9.000 attendeesProgram Adviser for categories "Business & Work" und "re:health"
March 07-09, 20183rd German-Greek Youth Forum 2018Facilitator and bilingual workshop moderator for an international conference by the German and Greek Federal Ministries for FamiliesBilingual faciliation and expert moderation of three-day workshop including the topics work, innovation, youth exchange and participation. By the Federal Ministry for Families, the Elderly and Young People (BMFSFJ) and its Greek counterpart.
2017-12-06Conference "OPEN!"Moderator and facilitator for conference "OPEN! - Artificial Intelligence"Expert moderator for a conference covering artificial intelligence and impacts on economy, science, creativity and society
June - September 2017VIA! VUT Indie Awards 2017Jury MemberAnalysis and winner selection for Germany's independent music industry critics awards
2017-06-30Grimme Online AwardAuthorAuthor of expert article for the official award publication
2017-06-22Conference of international consulting firmModerator and facilitatorExpert moderator for an internal annual event
2017-05-23Daimler ideation workshopEvaluator of an internal ideation workshop for Daimler AG
2017-05-11Conference on youth participation and involvementConference moderator and facilitator for German Federal Ministry of Family AffairsExpert moderation for a conference covering new strategies of youth participation
January - May 2017re:publica 2017Program Adviser for one of the globally largest conferences about digital society and economy with 8.000 attendeesProgram Adviser for categories "Business & Work" und "re:health"
March - May 2017European CommissionEU evaluator for Horizon 2020 (EU research framework program)Appointed evaluator as well as EU rapporteur for a call within topic "Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy"
2017-04-26Serious Games Track @ Quo Vadis 2017Conference moderator and host of ideation workshopExpert moderation of "Serious Games Track" at europe-wide most relevant game industry conference "Quo Vadis 2017" and additional workshop facilitation on ideation and innovation
2017-04-04Symposium "Location-based Gaming"ModerationExpert moderation and facilitation of symposium "Location-based Gaming"
2017-01-26Cologne IT Summit 2017ModeratorExpert moderation and facilitation of event format "Blockchain", featuring representatives from research and industry featuring 200 trade professionals
2016-12-06Expert conference "Games & Education"Moderator of expert conference "Games & Education"Expert moderation at the Germany-wide most relevant symposium regarding education and training in games and digital economy as well as latest findings from research and teaching.
2016-10-20Fraunhofer "Day of Cybersecurity 2016"Moderator of Fraunhofer conference "Day of Cybersecurity 2016"Expert moderator for Fraunhofer "Day of Cybersecurity 2016", featuring scientific experts, CEOs of leading ICT companies and politicians at SpreePalais in Berlin
2016-09-22VIA! VUT Indie Awards 2016Jury MemberAnalysis and winner selection for Germany's independent music industry critics awards
2016-01-14Versatel annual event 2016Moderator for VersatelModeration of Versatel's annual event and accompanying barcamp
August - December 2015Next Level Conference 2015Concept, curation and managementKuration und Management of event strand “games + industry" for a games conference covering art, education and industry of digital games
2015-11-17MEDICA 2015Talk about synergies between health and creative industriesEnglish talk featuring best practices in cross-cluster cooperation of both growth markets
2015-10-29Social Community Day 2015PanelistPanelist on "Instant publishing in digital society"
2015-10-26Expert conference "Digital Single Market"PanelistPanelist at an expert workshop discussion on digital single market and digital value added in NRW and Europe, realized by Grimme-Institute in Brussels
2015-10-23Medientage MünchenSpeakerSpeaker at media industry conference, topic: new business models & platforms in journalism
2015-09-13Youth hacks! hackathonJury memberJuror of an open data hackathon for young coding talents – organized by Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, mediale pfade and specialist department for youth media culture NRW
2015-09-03German Radio Award 2015Jury memberAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
April - August 2015Gamescom 2015Curator of "Gamescom Congress 2015" (4 of 6 event pillars), the official congress of the world's largest event for computer and video games (345,000 visitors from 96 countries) – in cooperation with federal association BIU150 speakers in over 40 formats with a total of 630 participants (40% growth compared to previous year's event)
July 2012 - June 2015Clustermanagement CREATIVE.NRWConsultant Digital Innovation, Internationalization & EntrepreneurshipPolicy consulting, project design and management as well as site & regional development and communication (e.g. industry convention CREATIVE.HEALTH, program German Haus @ SXSW Interactive 2014, Next Level Conference 2014)
April - July 2015European CommissionEU evaluator for Horizon 2020 (EU research framework program)Appointed evaluator for a call within the topic "Industrial leadership, topic ICT & Social Innovation" (total budget of € 561,000,000)
April - June 2015Grimme Online Award 2015Jury member and host of red carpetAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany´s finest online content sites as well as red carpet hosting at the official award gala
2015-06-10Conference "Interactive Cologne 2015"ModeratorBilingual expert moderator of event track "The Future of Health" with TEDx speaker Bertalan Meskó and other experts from Design, Tech and Research
April 2015Conference & industry dialogue “CREATIVE.HEALTH 2”Concept and management of an interdisciplinary conference connecting over 220 experts from the health sector and creative industriesInterdisciplinary conference connecting experts & startups from the health sector and creative industries
2014-12-04/05Next Level Conference 2014Concept, management and presentation of event strand “games + education + industry"Games conference covering art, education and industry of digital games
2014-09-23/25Expert workshop "TV table" by the Federal Agency for Political Education (bpb)ConsultantStrategic consulting on the topic of "Future and perspectives of non-linear TV consumption"
2014-09-04German Radio Award 2014Jury memberAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest radio pieces
2014-08-14Gamescom Congress 2014Conference moderator and panel discussion moderator, taking place at Gamescom 2014, world's biggest fair & event for interactive games and mediaBilingual expert moderation of "Gamescom Congress 2014", event pillow "Business location Germany – Digital games made in Germany" and moderation of panel discussion "Megatrends health & sustainable lifestyle – Solutions, services, products from the games industry"
2014-27-06Grimme Online Award 2014Jury memberAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's finest online content sites
2014-03-07/12International conference
“SXSW Interactive 2014”, Austin / USAConcept and managementProgram slot “German House @ SXSW” for the state of NRW feat. Ken Doctor (leading US media analyst), Cory Haik (Washington Post) et al. -
2014-01-23Conference & industry dialogue “CREATIVE.HEALTH”Concept and management of an interdisciplinary conference connecting over 220 experts from the health sector and creative industriesInterdisciplinary conference connecting over 220 experts & startups from the health sector and creative industries
“Social Community Day”Moderation social media and live coverageModeration mediating between stage and social media as well as live coverage of event "SCD 2013 – networks between individual usage and societal participation” with over 100 attendees -
2013-09-05German Radio Award 2013Jury memberAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's best & finest radio pieces out of over 350 submissions
2013-06-21Grimme Online Award 2013Chairwoman of the juryChairwoman of the jury and analysis, discussion and selection of Germany´s best & finest online content sites
"Interactive Cologne 2013"Co-moderator of the format "The Interactive Dating Game"Co-moderation of a mashup of TV show Herzblatt and dating game with Steve Jobs & Bill Gates. By Jan Kus, with Carlo Matic -
2013-06-20Creativity & Business Convention 2013Workshop moderator and facilitatorWorkshop moderation with design icon Stefan Sagmeister of design firm Sagmeister & Walsh (NYC)
2013-05-17Convention “Future forum on digital civic participation”Workshop moderator at state parliamentExpert moderator of workshop “Social media for government” featuring 15 expert participants
“Day of media literacy 2012”Conference moderator at state parliamentExpert moderation of congress opening inside the plenum in front of over 600 participants, additional moderation of stage program -
2012-11-25Conference “digital & mobile #1 - openness and regulation” by LfM NRWConsultant for concept and strategy / conference moderatorExpert moderation of kickoff conference of a new series of event hosted by the Media Authority of state NRW with 100 participants
2012-09-25International conference “culture.market.development” by GIZPanelist kickoff discussionExpert debate about culture as an economic driver at an international conference with 200 attendees. By German Society for International Cooperation
2012-06-20Grimme Online Award 2012Jury memberAnalysis, discussion and selection of Germany's best & finest online content sites
2012-06-04/05International conference
“youth and e-participation”Bilingual conference moderatorBilingual expert moderation of two-day conference of EU project “youthpart” including the topics information & media literacy and e-participation featuring 120 attendees from 14 countries. By the Federal Ministry for Families, the Elderly and Young People -
“ADVANCE Hackathon”Concept and management of a hackathon, a marathon for pioneering digital media projects90 participants developed 20 technically demanding projects within 48 hours – almost 100% open source. With fellow colleagues Marc Ziegler and Sebastian Lautwein -
December 2011Open Data InstituteStrategy and organization consulting for the “Open Data Institute”Consultancy regarding the foundation and implementation of the "ODI Startup Programme"
2011-09-26Conference “ADVANCE – International Web & Startup Conference”Co-conception & management of international conference for the support, networking and internationalization of the digital startup economy in EuropeNamed best conference 2011 by “WIRED UK”; 500 participants (400 European startups, 100 international investors and catalyzers). With fellow colleagues Marc Ziegler, Sebastian Lautwein und Jenny Jung
“Medienforum NRW 2011”Bilingual moderatorBilingual expert moderation of panel discussion, titled “Power to the crowd – alternative paths to content creation and monetization” in front of 300 participants -
“PRIT 2010, Paris”SpeakerTalk about media industry at innovation event in front of 850 innovation experts -
April 2007 - December 2009MEDIEN.NRW - Media Cluster ManagementConsultant Internationalization, Digital Strategy & InnovationStrategic co-development of cluster management as well as regional developement and -marketing for (digital) media industries by means of innovative instruments ranging from consulting over internationalization and innovation management towards public relations
March 2008 - December 2009EU project CReATEProject managerInternational project management for EU project CReATE - Creating a joint research agenda for promoting ICT innovations in creative industries. Authoring a region-spanning research agenda, developing innovaton strategies for einer länderübergreifenden Forschungsagenda, Entwicklung von Innovationsstrategien für die medium-sized creative industries und fostering of business cooperation across all industries on a regional and European level
October 2007 - April 2009Podcast "MFG Innovationcast"Concept, management and presentation of monthly podcast on innovation in media and ICTAwarded twice as "Best German Corporate Podcast", 32 episodes with over 25.000 downloads – featuring expert interviews with e.g. Clay Shirky, David Weinberger and Sascha Lobo. With fellow colleagues Jürgen Pfeifle and Amy Meyhofer
April 2007 - December 2009MFG Innovation Agency for Media, ICT and Creative IndustriesProject Manager Digital Creative Industries, Social Media and Open SourceRegional development und -marketing for media, ICT and creative industries, EU project management, strategy and innovation consultancy focusing on enterprise 2.0, open source, social media and knowledge transfer