Complexity requires constant and fluid change of perspectives. My current emphasis on artistic photography and media theory (from Benjamin to Baudrillard) opens new latitudes: A new map of play for re-focusing, centering and re-evaluation of perspectives and viewpoints (Leica M8). And inspirational for the whole portfolio.
Upcoming projects (excerpt)
ongoingIndependent photographerStreet Photography as shot in New York - Hong Kong - Germany with Leica M8
Completed projects (excerpt)
2015Author at "Tea after Twelve"Author at online magazine "Tea after Twelve", featuring global stories of change, society, entrepreneurship, art and politics
bild.sprachen award 2014JurorJuror of bild.sprachen award for contemporary photography
2014-01-24 to 2014-02-08Art exhibition of photography project "enscape"Vernissage und exhibition of own photography project "enscape" - with fellow artist Mario SixtusVernissage with 100 guests at Berlin based gallery "030visuell"
January 2011 - March 2012Photography project "enscape"Quote German Federal Cultural Foundation:"Under the motto "Perhaps enscape is for free people, what escape is for prisoners", with their photo project artists Mario Sixtus and Nadia Zaboura explore the delta between identity and objectivity - by means of isolation, hide-and-seek and synthesis."
March 2009 - March 2011Digital Art performance project
"ZEE – Zaboura Eichstaedt Experience"14 art performances deploying iPhones, literature and audience interaction, addressing recent and future societal & digital developments. With fellow artist Björn Eichstädt. Quote IDG:"It's digital art of the type rarely seen at Cebit -- the annual German IT fair -- but on Friday afternoon Zee, the Zaboura Eichstaedt Experience, took to the stage with an iPhone-powered performance." -
2011-03-05CeBIT sounds! 2011"ZEErox Copy/Paste Performance"Art performance referring to the plagiarismgate of former Doctor zu Guttenberg, at Germany´s leading industry fair, Hannover
2011-03-04CeBIT Webciety 2011"ZEEgypt Performance"Art performance referring to the Arab Spring including a youtube video wall, at Germany´s leading industry fair, Hannover
2010-07-01Kulturtwittwoch @ BMW World"Tweet me up, ZEE! - Performance"Art performance with live interaction, referring to the art of Haiku, Munich
2010-05-08Long Nights of the Museums 2010"ZEE embedded in art" Performance with KreidlerArt performance referring to Japanese literature and poetry, Düsseldorf
2010-03-06CeBIT sounds! 2010ZEE iPhone Performance "The Future Sounds of ZEE"Art performance referring to psychoanalysis and Freud, at Germany´s leading industry fair, Hannover
2010-03-05CeBIT Webciety 2010"ZEEbit iPhone Performance"Art performance referring to global digital developments including a youtube video wall, at Germany´s leading industry fair, Hannover
2009-09-28Art performance, series "tent"iPhone Performance + video installation in 4 actsArt performance referring to social identity and digital isolation, Munich
"An evening with the Secret Chiefs"ZEE iPhone Performance feat. Abdurrahman KöseArt performance featuring a kanun player, referring to "The secret teachings of all ages", Frankfurt -
2009-07-04Future Music Camp 2009ZEE iPhone Performance + video installationArt performance with live interaction featuring two drummers and a video artist, Mannheim
2009-03-08CeBIT Webciety 2009ZEE Spoken Word Performance "Building Bridges Between Business, Politics and People"Art performance referring to the societal implications of social web, at Germany´s leading industry fair, Hannover