Increasing complexity, multidimensional questions, multilayered answers. For years I have been drawn to questions regarding the communicative challenges and opportunities of the digital realm – mediating between natural and social sciences and the humanities. Next to having published two scientific books, I am active as an expert host for symposia.
Upcoming projects (excerpt)
ongoingGrimme Research Center for Media and SocietyMember of the Board of TrusteesExpert advice to Grimme Research Center regarding media and society in the digital age (since 2018)
OngoingScientific advisor on the topic Middle East in media and event ecosystemsScientific advisor for media companies, editorial departments, politics, foundations, culture and the event industry1. Media: Workshops and science-based media critique for balanced media coverage and quality journalism
2. Events: secure and sensitive curation of events as well as consulting on communication strategies -
Spring 2025BookCo-author of a book on the crisis of journalism and mediaPublication on the core problems and challenges of German media as well as on concrete solutions for quality journalism, to be published with two other researchers
2022 to 2024quoted - media podcastHost of podcast "quoted", with co-host Nils MinkmarHost of podcast on media, the most recent media coverage and media discourses. New episodes of this new podcast by CIVIS media foundation and Süddeutsche Zeitung are published biweekly on Thursday. Awarded with "Bert-Donnepp-Price 2024 - German Price for Media Critique"
2024-05-28WDR Europaforum 2024Media expert and communication scientistPanel discussion with program director of public broadcaster WDR Jörg Schönenborn and others on the topic of "Under pressure – how does the media assert itself against populism, extremism and nationalism?"
2024-03-11Interview on German public broadcaster WDR COSMOMedia expert and communication scientistInterview on relevance and need of professional media journalism and critique within pluralistic societies
2024-01-27Bert Donnepp Prize 2024LaureateAwarded with the "Bert Donnepp Prize - German Prize for Media Journalism" for her role as host of quoted - the media podcast
2024-01-241. CIVIS Media DialogueMedia expert and communication scientistPanel discussion with editor in chief of public broadcaster ZDF Bettina Schausten and others on the topic of "Multiplicity of perspectives in German public broadcasting"
Completed projects (excerpt)
2023-12-23Interview on DeutschlandfunkMedia expert and communication scientistInterview on the topics of German public debate, journalism and new public spheres, at German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk
2023-12-11DUDEN book "Diversity"AuthorBook chapter on the topic of "Diversity in media" in Germany's renowned publishing house DUDEN
2023-12-05Cologne Futures 2023Communication scientist and media criticPanel discussion on Artificial Intelligence in media and journalism
Expert Interview on WDRCommunication expert and media criticInterview with public broadcaster WDR COSMO on German media coverage regarding the Middle East
2023-11-22Interview on DeutschlandfunkCommunication scientist and media criticInterview on the topic of "Climate, wars, economic crisis: Thematic and temporal focus of media?" on German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk
2023-11-1854. RömerberggesprächeCommunication scientist and media criticModerated discussion between Max Czollek and Nadia Zaboura on the topic of "Between panic and reconciliation theater: How to (medially) deal with German far right/extremist party AfD?" at public debate format 54. Römerberggespräche "Receive the signals! On the resistable rise of right-wing extremism"
2023-11-17Interview on DeutschlandfunkCommunication scientist and media criticInterview about German public debate and journalism on the topic of the Middle East
October 2023Expert interview with Grimme-InstitutCommunication expert and juror German Radio AwardInterview on the 50th anniversary of Grimme-Institute on the topic of the present and future of radio within democratic societies (pages 62 to 65)
2023-09-28Trainer on media journalismTraining of journalist at a Grimme seminar on media journalism
2023-09-25Expert interview in NDRCommunication expert and media criticInterview with public broadcaster NDRinfo on media and migration
2023-09-25Expert interview on Bayern 2Communication expert and media criticInterview with public broadcaster Bayern 2 on media and migration
AuthorAuthor of essay "100 years of radio."Essay on radio as mass media and its future.
2022-12-24Interview on DeutschlandfunkMedia expert and communication scientistInterview on the topics of German public debate, journalism and new public spheres, at German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk
2022-10-05Live interview about Iran on WDR CosmoMedia expert and communication scientistInsta live talk on the topic "Too late, too little, too cautious? How German media cover protests in Iran"
2022-09-21Future talks on Public Service MediaKeynote speakerKeynote on mission, challenges and potentials of German Public Service Media
InterviewInterview radioeinsWissenschaftlich-analytische Herangehensweise gepaart mit sprachlicher Präzision und fundiertem Fachwissen in den Themenfeldern Medien & Journalismus, Digitalisierung und Technologie, Bildung, Vielfalt und Demokratie. Für Kunden aus Wissenschaft, Stiftungen, Politik und Verwaltung, Institutionen, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
► Inhaberin der Politik- und Kommunikationsberatung Zaboura Consulting
► Wissenschaftliche Beraterin, Medienkritikerin, Autorin und Kommunikations-Expertin
► Host von "quoted - der medienpodcast" (Süddeutsche Zeitung & CIVIS),
ausgezeichnet mit dem Bert-Donnepp-Preis 2024 - Deutscher Preis für Medienpublizistik
► Fach-Moderatorin für analoge, virtuelle und hybride Veranstaltungen
► Berufene EU-Evaluatorin und wissenschaftliche Gutachterin
► Interdisziplinäre Vermittlerin zwischen Wissenschaft, Institutionen, Medien und Politik
Nadia S. Zaboura ist Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Medienkritikerin, Fach-Moderatorin und Autorin.
Seit 2011 ist sie Inhaberin der Politik- und Kommunikationsberatung "Zaboura Consulting“. Zu ihren Kunden zählen Medienhäuser, Ministerien, Stiftungen und Verbände, die sie als wissenschaftliche Expertin strategisch berät – in den Bereichen Medien, Bildung, Vielfalt, Demokratie und Digitalisierung.
Als Host des Medienpodcasts "quoted" der Süddeutschen Zeitung und der CIVIS Medienstiftung diskutiert Nadia Zaboura alle 14 Tage über aktuelle Medienthemen und die wichtigsten journalistischen Herausforderungen. 2024 wurde ihr hierfür der „Bert-Donnepp-Preis - Deutscher Preis für Medienpublizistik“ verliehen.
Darüber hinaus begleitet sie als erfahrene Fach-Moderatorin seit vielen Jahren Fachtagungen und Medien-, Tech- und Wissenschaftskongresse – mit Kunden wie u.a. dem Fraunhofer-Institut, BMFSFJ, Deutsche Kinder- & Jugendstiftung, re:publica und Grimme-Institut. Ihr Stil: souverän, professionell, fachkundig, charmant sowie versiert im Multi-Stakeholder-Dialog dank brückenbauender, lösungsorientierter Moderationstechnik.
Ihre Expertise bringt sie in Zukunftsgremien und Jurys in Deutschland und Europa ein:
► Berufene Evaluatorin der Europäischen Kommission (seit 2015)
► Jurorin und Vorsitzende der Grimme-Jury des Deutschen Radiopreises (Voristz 2019-2022; Jurorin 2013-2024)
► Jurorin des Deutschen Mobilitätspreises (2022)
► Mitglied des Programmkomitees der re:publica (seit 2017)
► Mitglied des Kuratoriums des Grimme-Forschungskollegs (seit 2018)
► Externe Gutachterin des Bundesministeriums für Bildung & Forschung (seit 2019)
► Ehem. Jurorin und Jury-Vorsitzende des Grimme Online Awards (2012-2015)
Seit 2011: Inhaberin Zaboura Consulting. Kommunikations- und Politikberaterin mit dem Schwerpunkt digitale Gesellschaft und Medien. Darüber hinaus regelmäßig tätig als erfahrene Fach-Moderatorin (analog, hybrid sowie virtuell), Podcast-Host, Speakerin und Kuratorin
2012-2015: Beraterin für das Clustermanagement CREATIVE.NRW, ein Projekt der BOROS GmbH im Auftrag des Wirtschaftsministeriums. Moderne, verzahnte Standortentwicklung mittels Studien, Konzeption und Management von Projekten wie "German Haus @ SXSW Interactive" oder dem Branchenkongress "CREATIVE.HEALTH". (2012-2015)
2010-2012: Mitaufbau des Clustermanagements MEDIEN.NRW sowie politisch-ökonomische Strategieberaterin für die Mediencluster NRW GmbH. Management von Projekten wie der Foresight-Studie "Future of Advertising 2015" und der "ADVANCE – International Web & Startup Conference" (WIRED UK: "the perfect tech conference").
2007-2010: Erschließung der Themen Digitale Kreativwirtschaft und Social Media bei der Innovationsagentur MFG als Beraterin. Inklusive Projektsteuerung des EU-Projekts CReATE, Verfassen von Foresight-Studien sowie Management und Moderation eines mehrfach preisgekrönten Podcasts über digitale Innovationen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Bis 2007: Studium der Kommunikationswissenschaft und Linguistik. Wissenschaftlicher Schwerpunkt Kommunikation auf Basis neuronaler Prozesse sowie Anthropologie und Sprache -
2022-09-05InterviewInterview RadioszeneInsights into work and responsibility as head of the jury of German Radio Award 2022
2022-03-04Conference "eQualification 2022" by BMBFExpert moderatorModeration at conference "eQualification 2022 - Connection work and learning digitally" by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
2022-01-14CIVIS Media ConferenceExpert moderatorModeration of a media conference on journalism and transforming media ecosystems and public spheres by social media and platform dynamics
2021-06-09CIVIS Media Conference 2021PanelistPanelist for expert discussion on "quality in media and journalism"
2021-06-08Conference "Quality and diversity in local democracy"ModeratorExpert moderator and facilitator of conference "Quality and diversity in local democracy" with former German Federal President Joachim Gauck, on behalf of vhw association in joint cooperation with German Association of Cities and German Association of Towns and Municipalities
2021-03-15Publication "medial voices"Author of scientific forewordForeword for scientific publication for project "medial voices" at Grimme research center
2021-09-01Expert interview W&VInterview as expert on radio, media trends, diversity and digitalisationExpert interview with leading industry magazine W&V covering the future of radio, podcasts as engines of signification, non-linear competitors, diversity and the biggest challenges for decision-makers in media
2021-03-30Foresight Conference by BMBFExpert moderatorBilingual moderation of foresight conference, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
2020-11-04Social Community Day 2020ExpertExpert discussion on media responsibility, populism and far-right communication strategies
2020-08-12Workshop "medial voices"Invitation as scientistScientific expertise for workshop by project "medial voices" at Grimme research center
April 2020Expert interview W&VInterview as expert on media, radio and digitalisationExpert interview with leading industry magazine W&V covering the future of radio & audio, new technologies & player and the biggest challenges for decision-makers in media
November 2019 - January 2020European CommissionEU evaluator for "Information and Communication Technologies" for Horizon 2020 (EU research framework program)Appointed evaluator for a call within funding column "Information and Communication Technologies"
February 1-3, 201921. Bocholter ForumModerator on democracy and integrationExpert moderation of a three-day conference by State Center of Political Education NRW
January 2019German Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchAppointed appraiserAppraiser analyzing and selecting outstanding, future-proof projects by networks of science, industry and civil society (total budget of € 200 million)
2018-11-06Berlin Science WeekModeratorModeration of expert panel discussion on "Digital ethics: Oppressed by algorithms?". By Fraunhofer, Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany, Science in Dialogue (WiD) and Elsevier
2018-07-05Symposium of State Center of Political Education NRWModeratorExpert moderation of symposium "Talking to each other, arguing and opposing - dealing with right-wing extremism, right-wing populism and racism in the digital age".
2018-07-0325next - Future Day of German Children and Youth Foundation at Bellevue CastleModeratorModeration of future event of German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS), e.g. featuring Elke Büdenbender (patroness and wife to the German Federal President) and five futurologists
January 2017Expert book "The Remapping of Health Industries"Author of expert contributionExpert contribution on "Synergies between health and creative industries" (publishing house: Springer Gabler, publisher: , Herausgeber: Matusiewicz, Muhrer-Schwaiger)
2016-02-12Book "How I came to be what I am today, and what we shall be once: Forays through the garden of philosophy"Author of preface for a publication on philosophy by Breitenbach & Köbler, published by Bastei Lübbe
2015-10-29Radio show DRadio WissenExpert interview partner at DRadio - German public radio broadcasterTopic: "Loss of trust" - on the recent crisis in journalism
2015-01-22SALON D#2 | „Real - Digital“Host of evening event on digitizationHost of SALON D#2 | „Real - Digital“ as part of IMM Cologne
2015-01-16Workshop by ifa - Institute for International Cultural RelationsWorkshop participantConsultancy for ifa on "Digitisation in Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy", Berlin
2014-12-09International symposium of ZKM "Culture 4.0 – Now Loading? Towards a digital future of foreign cultural and educational policy“Keynote speakerKeynote on "DIGITAL - CULTURE - POLITICS. New paths in cultural mediation and education"
June 2014Magazine interviewInterview on mirror neurons and their effect on leadership and management skills
2014-01-25Conference "At nightfall"
by the German Federal Cultural FoundationTalk about own photography project "enscape", its scientific foundation (transparency, mass, surveillance at Sennett and Baudrillard) and societal implicationsWith fellow artist Mario Sixtus -
2011-07-02Scientific symposium
"Social cognition of narration"Talk "New Narratives, Science & ZEE"Talk about the scientific foundations of own art project "ZEE" at Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg. By Gaspar Nemes -
Scientific conference
“2nd Neurotherapy Symposium”Moderator of a scientific symposium and own talk at University Hospital ZürichBilingual expert moderation and talk about mirror neurons and empathy in front of 500 attendees. By Marietta Chatzigeorgiou -
Conference "bodybits", held by public broadcaster ZDFModerator of film talk "Alice 5.0" at the HKW, BerlinExpert moderation of film talk "Alice 5.0" inside the auditorium in front of 600 guests
2011-2012Radio interviews with broadcasting station you.fmExpert interviewsInterviews regarding scientific foundations of everyday phenomena
abgeschlossenBlog "The empathic brain"Reflections and analysis on most recent brain research and communication
2009-07-01Scientific publication
"The empathic brain"AuthorAuthor of a scientific monograph on mirror neurons and intersubjectivity at VS / Springer Verlag -
2006-06-28Scientific publication
"Actor brain"Co-publisher and -authorCo-publisher and -author of a scientific anthology at VS / Springer Verlag. With Professor Dr. Jo Reichertz